Evidence reasonably tending to support verdict

Definition of Evidence reasonably tending to support verdict

Means evidence that is competent, relevant, and material, and which to rational and impartial mind naturally leads, or involuntarily tends to lead, to conclusion for which there is valid, just, and substantial reason. Kelly v. Oliver Farm Equipment Stiles Co., 169 Okl. 269, 36 P.2d 888, 891.

Means some legal evidence tending to prove every material fact in issue as to which the party in whose favor the verdict was rendered had the burden of proof. Nicolai-Neppach Co. v. Smith, 154 Or. 450, 58 P.2d 1016, 1024.

That's the definition of Evidence reasonably tending to support verdict in Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition. Courtesy of Cekhukum.com.

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