Eum qul nocentem Infamat, non est cquum et bonum ob earn rem condemnari; dellcta enim nocentium nota esse oportet et expedit

Definition of Eum qul nocentem Infamat, non est cquum et bonum ob earn rem condemnari; dellcta enim nocentium nota esse oportet et expedit

It is not just and proper that he who speaks ill of a bad man should be condemned on that account; for it is fitting and expedient that the crimes of bad men should be known. 1 Bl.Comm. 125.

That's the definition of Eum qul nocentem Infamat, non est cquum et bonum ob earn rem condemnari; dellcta enim nocentium nota esse oportet et expedit in Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition. Courtesy of

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