Ecclesiastical Authorities

Definition of Ecclesiastical Authorities

In England, the clergy, under the sovereign, as temporal head of the church, set apart from the rest of the people or laity, in order to superintend the public worship of God and the other ceremonies of religion, and to administer spiritual counsel and instruction. The several orders of the clergy are: (1) Archbishops and bishops; (2) deans and chapters; (3) archdeacons; (4) rural deans; (5) parsons (under whom are included appropriators) and vicars; (6) curates. Church-wardens or sidesmen, and parish clerks and sextons, inasmuch as their duties are connected with the church, may be considered to be a species of ecclesiastical authorities. See Ecclesiastical courts.

That's the definition of Ecclesiastical Authorities in Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition. Courtesy of

Official tim editorial.