Definition of DOMINUS in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.

Definition of DOMINUS

In feudal and ecclesiastical law. A lord, or feudal superior. Dominus rex, the lord the king; • the king's title as lord paramount 1 BI.Comm. 367. Dominus capitalis, a chief lord. Dominus medius, a mesne or intermediate lord. Dominus ligius, liege lord or sovereign. Id.

Lord or sir; a title of distinction. It usually denoted a knight or clergyman; and, according to Cowell, was sometimes given to a gentleman of quality, though not a knight, especially if he were lord of a manor.

The owner or proprietor of a thing, as distinguished from him who uses it merely. Calvin. A master or principal, as distinguished from an agent or attorney. Story, Ag. § 3. In the civil law. A husband. A family. Vicat.

That's the definition of DOMINUS in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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