Definition of DOMINION in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.

Definition of DOMINION

Ownership, or right to property or perfect or complete property or ownership. Whelan v. Henderson, Tex.Civ.App., 137 S.W 2d 150, 153. Title to an article of property which arises from the power of disposition and the right of claiming it. Baker v. Westcott, 73 Tex. 129, 11 S.W. 157, 8 East, 579. See, also, State v. Johnson, 34 S.D. 601, 149 N.W. 730, 734.

Sovereignty or lordship; as the dominion of the seas. Moll. de Jure Mar. 91, 92. 573 In the civil law, with reference to the title to property which is transferred by a sale of it, dominion is said to be either "proximate" or "remote," the former being the kind of title vesting in the purchaser when he has acquired both the ownership and the possession of the article, the latter describing the nature of his title when he has legitimately acquired the ownership of the property but there has been no delivery. Coles v. Perry, 7 Tex. 109.

That's the definition of DOMINION in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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