Definition of DOMESTIC in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.

Definition of DOMESTIC

n. A domestic, or, in full, domestic servant, is a servant who resides in the same house with the master. The term does not extend to workmen or laborers employed out of doors. Ex parte Meason, 5 Bin. (Pa.) 167; Richardson v. State, 43 Tex. 456; Anderson v. Ueland, 197 Minn. 518, 267 N.W. 517, 518.

The Louisiana Civil Code enumerates as domestics those who receive wages and stay in the house of the person paying and employing them, for his own service or that of his family, such as valets, footmen, cooks, butlers, and others who reside in the house. Persons employed in public houses are not included. Cook v. Dodge, 6 La.Ann. 276.

The term is sometimes extended, however, to include servants who do not reside in the same house as the master. Catto v. Plant, 106 Conn. 236, 137 A. 764, 766 (gardner); Douglas v. State, 88 Tex.Cr.R. 295, 225 S.W. 536, 538 (house porter).

adj. Pertaining, belonging, or relating to a home, a domicile, or to the place of birth, origin, creation, or transaction. Catto v. Plant, 106 Conn. 236, 137 A. 764, 765; In re Savin's Estate, 131 N.J.Eq. 563, 26 A.2d 270, 273.

That's the definition of DOMESTIC in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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