Definition of DEBTOR in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.

Definition of DEBTOR

One who owes a debt; he who may be compelled to pay a claim or demand. Anyone liable on a claim, whether due or to become due. Cozart v. Barnes, C.C.A.S.C., 240 F. 935, 938.

The term may be used synonymously with "obligor," "mortgagor," and the like. McDuffle v. Faulk, 214 Ala. 221, 107 So. 61, 62.

Common Debtor In Scotch law. A debtor whose effects have been arrested by several creditors. In regard to these creditors, he is their common debtor, and by this term is distinguished in the proceedings that take place in the competition. Bell

Debtor's Act 1869

The statute 32 & 33 Vict. c. 62, abolishing imprisonment for debt in England, and for the punishment of fraudulent debtors. 2 Steph.Comm. 159-164. Not to be confounded with the Bankruptcy Act of 1869. Mozley & Whitley.

Debtor's Summons

In English law. A summons issuing from a court having jurisdiction in bankruptcy, upon the creditor proving a liquidated debt of not less than 150, which he has failed to collect after reasonable effort, stating that if the debtor fail, within one week, if a trader, and within three weeks if a nontrader, to pay or compound for the sum specified, a petition may be presented against him praying that he may be adjudged a bankrupt. Bankruptcy Act 1869, § 7; Robs.Bankr.; Mozley & Whitley.

That's the definition of DEBTOR in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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