Definition of DEBET ET SOLET in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.
Definition of DEBET ET SOLET
(Lat. He owes and is used to.) Where a man sues in a writ of right or to recover any right of which he is for the first time disseised, as of a suit at a mill or in case of a writ of quod permittat, he brings his writ in the debet et solet. Reg. Orig. 144a; Fitzh. Nat. Brev. 122, M.
Debet quis juri subjacere ubi delinquit. One [every one] ought to be subject to the law [of the place] where he offends. 3 Inst. 34. This maxim is taken from Bracton. Bract. fol. 154b. Finch, Law, 14, 36; Wing. Max. 113; 3 Co. 231; 8 Scott N. R. 567.
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