COURT OF SWEINMOTE - Black's Law Dictionary

What is COURT OF SWEINMOTE? Definition of COURT OF SWEINMOTE in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

(spelled, also, Swain- mote, Swain-gemote; Saxon, swang, an attendant, a freeholder,  and mote or gemote, a meeting). One of the old forest  courts, held before  the verderers,  as judges, by the steward, thrice  in every year,—the sweins  or freeholders within  the forest composing the jury.  This  court  had jurisdiction to inquire into grievances and oppressions committed  by the officers  of the forest,  and also to re- ceive and try presentments certified from the court of attachments,  certifying the cause, in turn,. under  the seals of the jury, in case of conviction, to the  court of justice seat  for the  rendition of judgment. Cowell; 3 Bla.  Corn.  71, 72; 3 Steph. Corn. 317, n. See Inderwick, King's Peace 150; Forest Laws.

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