COURSE OF BUSINESS - Black's Law Dictionary

What is COURSE OF BUSINESS? Definition of COURSE OF BUSINESS in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

What is usually done in the management of trade or business. Idom v. Weeks  & Russell, 135 Miss. 65, 99 So. 761, 764; In re Malschick, D.C.Pa., 217 F. 492, 494.

In Workmen's Compensation Acts, the usual  course  of business of the employer covers the normal operations which form part of the ordinary  business carried  on, and not Including  incidental  and occasional  operations  having for their purpose the preservation of the premises or the appliances used in the  business. Walker v. Industrial Accident Commission, 177 Cal. 737, 171 P. 954, 955, L.R.A. 1918F, 212.

Commercial paper is said  to be transferred, or sales alleged to have  been  fraudulent may  be shown to have been made,  "in the course  of business," or "in the usual and ordinary course of business,"  when the circumstances of the transaction are such as usually and ordinarily attend dealings  of the same kind and do not exhibit  any signs of haste,  secrecy, or fraudulent intention. Walbrun v. Bab bitt, 16 Wall. 581, 21 L.Ed. 489; Brooklyn, etc., R. Co. v. National Bank, 102 U.S. 14, 26 L.Ed. 61.

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