COLORED - Black's Law Dictionary

What is COLORED? Definition of COLORED in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

By common usage in America, this term,  in such  phrases as "colored persons," "the colored  race," "colored men," and the like, is used to designate negroes or persons of the  African race, including all persons of mixed blood descended  from negro ancestry. Collins v. Oklahoma State Hospital, 76 Okl. 229, 184 P. 946, 949, 7 A.L.R. 895; Theophanis v. Theophanis, 244 Ky. 689, 51 S.W.2d 957.

But where a state  Constitution provided for separate schools for the white  and colored races,  the term "white race" was held to be limited to the Caucasian race, and the term  "colored races" to embrace all other  races. Rice  v. Gong Lum, 139 Miss. 760, 104 So. 105, 107.

It has  also  been  held  that  there is no legal  technical signification to the phrase "colored person" which the courts  are bound  judicially to know.  Pauska  v. Daus,  31 Tex. 74.

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That's the definition of COLORED in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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