What is COLLECTIVE LABOR AGREEMENT? Definition of COLLECTIVE LABOR AGREEMENT in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

Also called "trade agreement". Bargaining agreement as to wages and conditions of work entered into by groups of employees, usually organized into a brotherhood or union on one side and groups of employers or corporations on the other side. Brisbin v. E. L. Oliver Lodge No. 335 of Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, 134 Neb. 517, 279 N.W. 277, 283; Rentschler v. Missouri Pac. R. Co., 126 Neb. 493, 253 N.W. 694, 696, 95 A.L.R. 1.

It becomes a binding contract when it is adopted into and made a part of the individual contract of each em- ployee, and a breach of its terms will give rise to a cause of action by either party.

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That's the definition of COLLECTIVE LABOR AGREEMENT in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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