COLLATERAL or INDIRECT ATTACK - Black's Law Dictionary

What is COLLATERAL or INDIRECT ATTACK? Definition of COLLATERAL or INDIRECT ATTACK in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

On a judicial proceeding, an attempt to avoid, defeat, or evade it, or deny its force and effect, in some incidental proceeding not provided by law for the express purpose of attacking it. May v. Casker, 188 Okl. 448, 110 P.2d 287, 290. On a judgment, any proceeding in which the integrity of a judgment is challenged, except those made in the action wherein the judgment is rendered or by appeal. Edward Thompson Co. v. Thomas, 49 F.2d 500, 60 App.D.C. 118; In re Peterson's Estate, 12 Wash.2d 686, 123 P.2d 733, 751.

An attempt to i mpeach the judgment by matters dehors the record in an action other than that in which it was rendered ; an attempt to avoid, defeat, or evade it, or deny its force and effect in some incidental proceeding not provided by law for the express purpose of attacking it; any proceeding which is not instituted for the express purpose of annulling, correcting, or modifying such decree, or an objection, incidentally raised in the course of a proceeding, which presents an issue collateral to the issues made by the pleadings. Trustees of Somerset Academy v, Picher, C.C.A. Me., 90 F.2d 741, 743.


That's the definition of COLLATERAL or INDIRECT ATTACK in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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