CATCHINGS - Black's Law Dictionary

What is CATCHINGS? Definition of CATCHINGS in Black's Law Dictionary – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.

Things caught, and in the posses

sion, custody, power, and dominion of the party, with a present capacity to use them for his own

purposes. The term includes blubber, or pieces of whale flesh cut from the whale, and stowed on or

under the deck of a ship. A policy of insurance upon outfits, and catchings substituted for the out

fits, in a whaling voyage, protects the blubber. Rogers v. Insurance Co., 1 Story, 603; Fed.Cas.No.

12,016; 4 Law Rep. 297.

That's the definition of CATCHINGS in Black's Law Dictionary – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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