BEAT - Black's Law Dictionary

What is BEAT? Definition of BEAT in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

v. To strike 'or hit repeatedly, as with blows. Regina v. Hale, 2 Car. & K. 327; Com. v. McClellan, 101 Mass. 35; Corn. v. McClellan, 101 Mass. 35.

In the criminal law and the law of torts, with reference to assault and battery, the term in- cludes any unlawful physical violence offered to another. See Battery.

To beat, in a legal sense, is not merely to whip, wound, or hurt, but includes any unlawful imposition of the hand or arm. Goodrum v. State, 60 Ga. 511; Yarbrough v. State, 17 Ga.App. 828, 88 S.E. 710, 711.

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