BARREL - Black's Law Dictionary

What is BARREL? Definition of BARREL in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms.

A measure of capacity, equal (in Eng- land) to 36 imperial gallons. The standard United States measure, except as to barrels of petroleum, equals 31 1/2 gallons. Pope v. Joschke, Tex.Civ. App., 228 S.W. 986, 987.

In agricultural and mercantile parlance, as al- so in the inspection laws, the term means, prima facie, not merely a certain quantity, but, further, a certain state of the article; namely, that it is in a cask. State v. Moore, 33 N.C. 72.

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That's the definition of BARREL in Black's Law Dictionary - Legal dictionary - Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of

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