ARRIVE - Black's Law Dictionary

What is ARRIVE? Definition of ARRIVE in Black's Law Dictionary

To come to a particular place; to reach a particular or certain place. Thompson v. U. S., 1 Brock. 411, Fed.Cas.No.13,985; 8 B. & C. 119.

The words "arrive" and "enter" are not always synonymous; there certainly may be an arrival without an actual entry or attempt to enter. United States v. Open Boat, 5 Mason, 120, 132, Fed.Cas.No.15,967. And where a vessel from a foreign port, laden with liquors, anchored within four leagues of the coast, and the master without a permit therefor allowed part of the cargo to be taken away, with the intention of so disposing of the entire cargo, the vessel had "arrived" within the meaning of Tariff Act 1922, § 586 (19 USCA § 488). The Cherie, C.C.A.Me., 13 F.2d 992, 993.


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