ADMINISTRATOR - Black's Law Dictionary

What is ADMINISTRATOR? Definition of ADMINISTRATOR in Black's Law Dictionary

in the most usual sense of the word, is a person to whom letters of admin- istration, that is, an authority to administer the estate of a deceased person, have been granted by the proper court. A representative of limited authority, whose duties are to collect assets of estate, pay its debts, and distribute residue to those entitled. Smith v. White's Estate, 108 Vt. 473, 188 A. 901, 904. A technical trustee. In re Watkins' Estate, Vt., 41 A.2d 180, 188.

He resembles an executor, but, being appointed by the court, and not by the deceased, he has to give security for the due administration of the estate, by entering into a bond with sureties, call- ed the administration bond. Smith v. Gentry, 16 Ga. 31; Collamore v. Wilder, 19 Kan. 78; Gormley v. Watson, 177 Ga. 763, 171 S.E. 280, 281.

By the law of Scotland  the  father  is  what  is  called the "administrator-in-law" for his children. As such, he is ipso jure their tutor while they are pupils, and their curator during their minority. The father's power ex- tends over whatever estate may descend to his children, unless where that estate has been placed by the donor or grantor under the charge of special trustees or managers. This power in the father ceases by the child's discontinu- ing to reside with him, unless he continues to live at the father's expense; and with re gard to dnu-hte-s, it ceases on their marriage, the husband being the legal curator of his wife. Bell.

Civil Law
A manager or conductor of affairs, especially the affairs of another, in his name or behalf. A manager of public affairs in behalf of others. Calvin. A public officer, ruler, or governor. Nov. 95, gl.; Cod. 12, 8.

One appointed at the place of the domicile of the decedent; distinguished from a foreign or an ancillary administrator.

One appointed or qualified under the laws of a foreign state or country, where the decedent was domiciled.

An official provided for by statute in some states to administer upon the property of intestates in certain cases. See Rocca v. Thompson, 32 S.Ct. 207, 223 U.S. 317, 56 L.Ed. 453.

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