ACROSS - Black's Law Dictionary

What is ACROSS? Definition of ACROSS in Black's Law Dictionary

From side to side. Transverse to the length of. Hannibal & St. J. R. Co. v. Packet Co., 8 S.Ct. 874, 125 U.S. 260, 31 L.Ed. 731; but see

Appeal of Bennett's Branch Imp. Co., 65 Pa. 242. It may mean over, Brown v. Meady, 10 Me. 391, 25 Am.Dec. 248; or "upon and along," Mt. Vernon Telephone Co. v. Franklin Farmers' Coop. Telephone Co., 113 Me. 46, 92 A. 934, 935, Ann.Cas. 1917B, 649; or "upon," Jefferson County v. Louisville & I. R. Co., 160 S.W. 502, 504, 155 Ky. 810; or "within," Quanah, A. & P. Ry. Co. v. Cooper, Tex.Civ.App., 236 S.W. 811, 812. See Comstock v. Van Deusen, 5 Pick. (Mass.) 163, where a grant of a right of  way  across  a lot of land was held not to mean a right to enter at one side, go partly across and come out at a place on the same side. And compare Brooklyn Heights R. Co. v. Steers, 106 N.E. 919, 920, 213 N.Y. 76; but see Holley v. State, 9 Ala.App. 33, 63 So. 738.

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