A PRENDRE - Black's Law Dictionary

What is A PRENDRE? Definition of A PRENDRE in Black's Law Dictionary

L.  Fr.  To  take;  to  seize.  Bret a prendre la terre, a writ to take the land. Fet Ass. § 51. A right to take something out of the soil of another is a profit a prendre, or a right coupled with a profit. 1 Crabb, Real Prop. p. 125, § 115. Distinguished from an easement. 5 Adol. & E. 758. Sometimes written as one word, apprendre, apprender. See Profit a prendre.

Rightfully taken from the soil. 1 N. & P. 172; Waters v. Lilley, 4 Pick. (Mass.) 145, 16 Am.Dec. 333.

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That's the definition of A PRENDRE in Black's Law Dictionary - Courtesy of Cekhukum.com.

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