ATTACHED - Black's Law Dictionary

What is ATTACHED? Definition of ATTACHED in Black's Law Dictionary

A term describing the physical union of two otherwise independent structures or objects, or the relation between two parts of a single structure, each having its own function. National Brake & Electric Co. v. Christensen, C. C.A.Wis., 229 F. 564, 570. As applied to buildings, the term is often synonymous with "annexed." Williams Mfg. Co. v. Insurance Co. of North America, 93 Vt. 161, 106 A. 657, 659.

The word "attached," in an affidavit of service of a notice, used to designate a notice appearing on the reverse side of the affidavit, is improper. Wood v. Yearous, 159 Iowa, 211, 140 N.W. 362, 364.


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