ASSURANCE - Black's Law Dictionary

What is ASSURANCE? Definition of ASSURANCE in Black's Law Dictionary

A pledge, guaranty, or surety. National Watch Co. v. Weiss, 163 N.Y.S. 46, 47, 98 Misc. 453. A declaration tending to inspire full confidence. Texas & N. 0. Ry. Co. v. New, Tex. Civ.App., 95 S.W.2d 170, 175. A making secure; insurance.

The term was formerly of very frequent use in the modern sense of insurance, particularly in English maritime law, and still appears in the policies of some companies, but is otherwise seldom seen of late years. There seems to be a tendency, however, to use assurance for the contracts of life insurance companies, and insurance for risks upon property.

In conveyancing. A deed or instrument of conveyance. The legal evidences of the transfer of property are in England called the "common assurances" of the kingdom, whereby every man's estate is assured to him, and all controversies, doubts, and difficulties are either prevented or removed. 2 Bl.Comm. 294. State v. Farrand, 8 N.J.Law, 335.


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