APPROACHES - Black's Law Dictionary

What is APPROACHES? Definition of APPROACHES in Black's Law Dictionary

A way, passage, or avenue by which a place or building can be approached; an access. State ex rel. Washington Toll Bridge Au- thority v. Yelle, 197 Wash. 110, 84 P.2d 688, 691; State v. Zangerle, 43 Ohio App. 30, 182 N.E. 644, 646.

Comprising the necessary traffic arteries and adjustment of a bridge to develop its maximum traffic capacity. State ex rel. Washington Toll Bridge Authority v. Yelle, 197 Wash. 110, 84 P.2d 688, 691, 692, 694; including embankments, grades, or structures of any sort serving as a passage or way. Starrett v. Inhabitants of Town of Thomaston, 126 Me. 205, 137 A. 67, 70. That part of the roadway which is essential to make the bridge accessible and convenient for public use. With respect to bridge or viaduct; In re Rosedale Ave. in City of New York, 162 N.Y.S. 877, 885, 175 App.Div. 864.


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