APPREHENSION - Black's Law Dictionary

What is APPREHENSION? Definition of APPREHENSION in Black's Law Dictionary

In Practice
The seizure, taking, or arrest of a person on a criminal charge. The term "apprehension" is applied exclusively to criminal cases, and "arrest" to both criminal and civil cases. People v. Martin, 188 Cal. 281, 205 P. 121, 123, 21 A.L.R. 1399.

Civil Law
A physical or corporal act, (corpus,) on the part V of one who intends to acquire possession of a thing, by which he brings himself into such a relation to the thing that he may subject it to his exclusive control; or by which he obtains the physical ability to exercise his power over the thing whenever he pleases. One of the requisites to the acquisition of judicial possession, and by which, when accompanied by intention, (animus,) possession is acquired. Mackeld.Rom.Law, §§ 248, 249, 250.


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