Definition of DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.


Loss, hurt, or harm without injury in the legal sense, that is, without such breach of duty as is redressible by an action. A loss which does not give rise to an action for damages against the person causing it. West Virginia Transp. Co. v. Standard Oil Co., 50 W.Va. 611, 40 S.E. 591, 56 L.R.A. 804; J. A. & C. E. Bennett v. Winston-Salem Southbound Ry. Co., 170 N.C. 389, 87 S.E. 133, 134, L.R.A.1916D, 1074; Wisconsin Telephone Co. v. Railroad Commission of Wisconsin, 162 Wis. 383, 156 N.W. 614, 619, L. R.A.1916E, 748; Cleveland, C., C. & St. L. Ry. Co. v. Mumford, 208 Ind. 655, 197 N.E. 826, 834; Alabama Power Co. v. Ickes, App.D.C., 302 U.S. 464, 58 S.Ct. 300, 303, 82 L.Ed. 374.

That's the definition of DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of Cekhukum.com.

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