Feudal law

Definition of Feudal law

The body of jurisprudence relating to feuds; the real-property law of the feudal system; the law anciently regulating the property relations of lord and vassal, and the creation, incidents, and transmission of feudal estates.

The body of laws and usages constituting the "feudal law” was originally customary and unwritten, but a compilation was made in the twelfth century, called "Feodarum Consuetudines,” which has formed the basis of later digests. The feudal law prevailed over Europe from the twelfth to the fourteenth century, and was introduced into England at the Norman Conquest, where it formed the entire basis of the law of real property until comparatively modem times. Survivals of the feudal law, to the present day, so affect and color that branch of jurisprudence as to require a certain knowledge of the feudal law in order to better comprehend modern tenures and rules of real-property law.

See also Feudal system.

That's the definition of Feudal law in Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition. Courtesy of Cekhukum.com.