CALUMNIZE JUSJURAND1UM - Black's Law Dictionary

What is CALUMNIZE JUSJURAND1UM? Definition of CALUMNIZE JUSJURAND1UM in Black's Law Dictionary – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms.

The oath of (against) calumny. An oath imposed upon the parties to a suit that they did not sue or defend with the intention of calumniating, (calumniandi animo,)   e., with a malicious design, but from a firm belief that they had a good cause. Inst. 4, The object was to prevent vexatious and unnecessary suits. It was especially used in divorce cases, though of little practical utility;  Bish. Marr. & Div. § 353; 2 Bish.Marr.Div. & Sep. § A somewhat similar provision is to be found in the requirement made in some states that the defendant shall file an affidavit of merits.

That's the definition of CALUMNIZE JUSJURAND1UM in Black's Law Dictionary – Legal dictionary – Glossary of legal terms. Courtesy of